St. Bonaventure University

Alumni Engagement, Events & News

Welcome, Bonnies, to the Office of Alumni Engagement, 你的校友活动总部, 以及全球网赌十大网站博纳家族的全球网赌十大网站.

Here you'll find information about upcoming events planned by alumni chapters across the country; scheduled visits to chapter cities by Office of Alumni Services representatives, 包括受欢迎的山在路上系列与Fr. Dan Riley, O.F.M.; as well as the latest news for and about our vast Bona family. 

Alumni Events

Upcoming Events

  • Bona Day at the Pittsburgh Pirates

    加入匹兹堡地区的校友,匹兹堡海盗队在PNC公园迎战费城费城人队. First pitch is at 6:40 p.m. Tickets are $41.

    Registration closed

  • 2024 Buffalo Harbor Cruise

    和其他邦妮们一起登上布法罗小姐二号! 费用是每人25美元,包括披萨、鸡翅、啤酒、葡萄酒和软饮料. All registrants must be 21 years of age. Proof of ID may be required. 

    Register here

  • Bona Day at Saratoga Race Course

    校友和朋友们被邀请聚集在铁路上,享受一生一次的体验. 当马匹绕过最后一个弯道并冲向终点线时,感受地面的震动. 当骑师争夺位置时,见证激动人心的鞭子噼啪声和纯种马令人难以置信的加速. Friends and family are welcome! The cost is $50 per person. 


  • Bona Day at the Washington Nationals

    Join Washington, D.C.华盛顿国民队将在国家公园迎战洛杉矶天使队. First pitch is at 11:35 a.m. Tickets are $35.

    Register here

Past Virtual Events


View 杰夫·金格里奇校长在斯凯勒的校园更新. 金格里奇校长讨论了他担任大学校长的第一年以及高等教育面临的挑战. (You will need this passcode: q#Fn1Cu%)

Mastering Student Loan Repayment Webinar

View 由Betsy Gingerich主持的掌握学生贷款偿还网络研讨会,听取有关学生贷款偿还的重要信息以及提示和技巧,使其成为一个轻松的经历. (You will need this passcode: @*3#dFu.)

History Happy Hour: May 4, 2021
Mark Twain: The Roughin' It Years
Host: Jim Maurer, '77  

In April 1861, 25岁的山姆·克莱门斯(化名吐温)住在新奥尔良,做着他梦寐以求的内河领航员工作. 然后,一眨眼,他的生活永远改变了. 随着南北战争的爆发,密西西比河停止了商业往来. Sam lost his lucrative career, and, being somewhat faint-hearted, 担心如果他留在新奥尔良,他将被迫加入联邦或南方海军. What to do? Watch Jim's virtual talk 了解山姆接下来五年的生活,包括他在狂野西部的经历, run-ins with outlaws, his get-rich-quick schemes, 以及他如何意外成为美国最有名的人. (You will need this passcode: bk!?Z1qz )


An informal discussion with Bob Keenan, ‘74, associate director of planned giving, and Joe Flanagan, ’74, director of alumni services. Bob介绍了一些我们在创建或更新遗产计划时都需要注意的基本步骤. (You will need this passcode: BDP0^A1k)


在这个有趣和非正式的过程中测试你的邦尼知识 virtual trivia night 涵盖了广泛的男子篮球事实. Tom Missel, chief communications officer at SBU, and Mike Vaccaro, '89, lead sports columnist at the New York Post, 作为共同主持人分享答案和有趣的事实. (You will need this passcode: Bonnie$#1)

School of Health Professions Update: Feb. 23, 2021

Founding Dean Douglas Pisano, Ph.D. provided a preview 弗朗西斯大厅的主要外部和内部装修, including new classrooms, high-tech laboratories, 以及卫生专业学院的办公室. (You will need this passcode: %giFf*j8)

History Happy Hour: Feb. 4, 2021

格兰特的最后一战:尤利西斯的个人回忆录背后的故事. Grant
Host: Chris Mackowski, Ph.D.

面对经济危机和喉癌晚期,尤利西斯. 格兰特为维护美国内战的意义而打了最后一仗. 他的口水战《全球网赌十大网站》. Grant, 他不仅是美国最伟大的英雄之一,也是美国最崇高的文学声音之一. View Chris's virtual talk 根据他的书格兰特的最后一场战斗:尤利西斯的个人回忆录背后的故事. Grant, published by Savas Beatie. (You will need this passcode: PPfR81Z$ )

Virtual Beer Tasting & Brewery Tour: Dec. 3, 2020

Enjoy a happy hour at home by viewing the virtual beer tasting and brewery tour led by John Rohrbach, '81, founder of Rohrbach Brewing Company(You will need this passcode: v12!0+KV)

Bona Trivia 2020: Oct. 21, 2020

如果你错过了我们第一次虚拟知识问答之夜,在极速上呈现,它是 AVAILABLE HERE. (You will need this passcode: s*$MF0!c)

Alumni News